How to Reduce Fractions
Fractions are some of the arithmetic in maths that many people find challenging during their days in school. It is necessary to know that maths as a subject is taught in schools to sharpen skills in the learners. You will also notice that the people are capable of thinking creatively and critically through learning this unit. Many people pursue this subject at the master level. It is possible to realize that there are individuals who enjoy doing maths with passion while others see it as a punishment. There are many benefits of doing this unit in school because the knowledge is applied even in real life situations. Fractions are interesting to solve when you have known the methods that you can use in handing the problems. Here are some of the methods that can be used in reducing the fractions.
The first method involves the use of the greatest common factor. Here one is required to list all the factors of the numerator and the denominator. The factors are the numbers that when multiplied you can get another one. You are supposed to arrange the numbers in ascending order. After this, you are supposed to find the greatest common factor of both the numerator and the denominator. This is done by selecting the highest number that is common to the factors listed above. From here you can divide the numerator and the denominator by the greatest common factor you have identified. You can check the answer to confirm if the fraction is in its simplest form weighted grade calculator.
The second method is about dividing the fractions by a small number. It is required that you select the smallest number that can divide both the numbers. After choosing the right simplifying fractions one, it is necessary that you use it in simplifying the top and the bottom numbers. It is necessary to keep dividing till there is no more possibility. It is necessary that you make sure the fraction is left in its simplest form. Make sure that you confirm the work you have done.
It is also possible to prime factor trees in solving the fractions. Find the prime factors of the numerators and the denominators then note down the prime factorization of each number. After this, you are supposed to cancel out the prime factors in simplifying the fraction. Through this idea, it will be possible to leave behind simple numbers that are easy to cancel with each other. To read more about fractions, just go to http://www.ehow.com/how_7581142_pass-employment-math-test.html.